Saturday, December 30, 2017

Imagine hearing the "Final Jeopardy" theme music, forever?

Just recently, I dropped off another juror questionnaire and am awaiting that demand to appear notice to arrive in my mail. Bear in mind, it doesn't make much sense to pursue the death penalty in a state that has not executed anyone, since October 2013. The likelihood of future executions are on hold, indefinitely. Pinal County and the State of Arizona should think of the taxpayers, first. 

Trial delayed in 2015 Maricopa double-murder case

No plea agreement was reached, as expected by James Mannato, one of Valenzuela’s attorneys. He said more time is needed to try and negotiate with the state. It’s possible the case could be resolved without going to trial, he added. The parties may set a new trial date for Valenzuela at his next court date in late January. Maricopa Monitor

Special prosecutor selected by Navajo County for two murder cases in Pinal

Navajo County was asked to step in and take over prosecution of Jose Ignacio Valenzuela and Arturo Jimenez after it was determined that the election of County Attorney Kent Volkmer created apparent conflicts of interest in a number of matters. Volkmer, a defense attorney prior to his election, or one of his former law partners was involved in the representation of some defendants whose cases are being heard in Pinal County Superior Court; in the Valenzuela case, Volkmer had been representing the defendant’s son, according to prosecutor Vince Goddard at a hearing in January. Maricopa Monitor