Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The possibility of dying of old age, while awaiting your death penalty trial

Those juror summons keep coming and going. I'm sure Pinal County spends a small fortune in postage, only to tell hundreds of potential jurors not to report. Frankly, I'm getting sick and tired of making time available, only to make that call at 6:00 pm Monday night... and all for nothing. 

Valenzuela defense seeks 15-month delay in murder trial

“Our defense team has met about once a week to get me updated and to update everyone else. Everyone’s taken on certain tasks so we are working this as quickly as possible,” Falduto said. “There’s a lot of amount of discovery, and I think some of the experts that we have spoken with are going to be key to putting forth our defense.” More

Meanwhile, the rest of us plantation serfs are busy trying to pay for water, only fit for taking a dump and flushing down the toilet. Of course, things aren't that much better, here... in the Thunderbird Farms Improvement District. Keep watching those hands and sticky fingers that are constantly reaching for the cookie jar.

Chris Johnson unsure what happens to millions diverted by Johnson Utilities

Chris Johnson was able to remember with certainty that he is paid a $120,000 salary by Hunt Management, and that he has had no conversations about Johnson Utilities with his father since the latter was forced to step down as manager due to an FBI investigation into possible schemes of bribery at the Arizona Corporation Commission. More

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